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Lecture and discussion: Prof. Dr. S. Baumgartner, Prof. Dr. E. Baars, Dr. H. van Wietmarschen

19.45 The scientific status of Anthroposophic Pharmacotherapy & the need for high quality evidence to support the medicines
Prof. Dr. Stephan Baumgartner (fundamental research homeopathic dilutions)
Prof. Dr. Erik Baars (therapeutic actions and clinical research anthroposophic medicinal products (AMPs))
Dr. Herman van Wietmarschen (development of monographs for AMPs)
20.45 Discussion on need for high quality evidence for AMPs and AM Therapies, research strategies and central questions like:
• How does an anthroposophic-human-scientific ‘Bild’ emerge in the study design?
• Real world evidence/ Real world data/ Use of register data: what are opportunities for cooperation and networking & what must and can we do in the next 10 years?

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