A Society and School for the Michaelic Age

School conference for members of the School of Spiritual Science: 27.-28.09.2024 "The September Lessons and the Sections"

Public Conference: 28.-29.09.2024 "On Rudolf Steiner's Last Address“

Where does the event happen? Goetheanum

When does the event happen?
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Conference ticket School of Spiritual Science part: The September Lesson and the Sections

27.09.15:00 to 28.09. 13:00

Support price HST

Should you be in a position to pay an additional amount, this would help to cover the costs of the conference and support the work of the section.

Regular price HST

CHF 80.00

Reduced price HST

Concessions apply for retired/seniors, unemployed and people with assistance needs. Proof of status can be requested at the entrance.

CHF 60.00

Class holder price HST

For class holder of the school of spiritual science

CHF 50.00

Student price HST

For students, pupils, trainees and military/civil service personnel, can only be granted with enclosed proof of status.

CHF 50.00

Conference ticket public part: On Rudolf Steiner's last speech

28.09. 15:00 to 29.09. 13:00

Support price ÖT

Should you be in a position to pay an additional amount, this would help to cover the costs of the conference and support the work of the section.

Regular price ÖT

CHF 100.00

Reduced price ÖT

Concessions apply for retired/seniors, unemployed and people with assistance needs. Proof of status can be requested at the entrance.

CHF 70.00

Class holder price ÖT

For class holder of the school of spiritual science

CHF 50.00

Student price ÖT

For students, pupils, trainees and military/civil service personnel, can only be granted with enclosed proof of status.

CHF 50.00